Easy Bread! No Yeast No Worry. イーストなしでもおいしいパン

The recipe I used: here (written in Japanese)

Makes 2 rolls (You can divide them into 4 ) 市販のロールパン4個分程度
100g Bread flour (強力粉)
100g All-purpose flour (薄力粉)
2 teaspoon Baking powder (ベーキングパウダー小さじ2)
2 teaspoon Sugar (砂糖小さじ2)
1/3 teaspoon Salt (塩小さじ1/3)
½ beaten Egg (溶き卵½個)  >>>
½ cup/100cc Milk (牛乳)      >>> MIX EGG & MILK
20g melted Butter: not room temperature but melted (溶かしたバター)
1: Preheat your oven at 200℃ (390°F).
In a large bowl, place dry ingredients and mix it evenly with your hand. Make a hole in the center.
Pour the mixture of milk and egg into the hole and add in 20g melted butter. Mix well the dry & the liquid ingredients until no longer watery and now, knead knead knead.. 
It must be very sticky but it gets one dough in 5 minutes. 

2: Divide the dough into 2 to 4 masses and place them on oven sheet. With the half rest of beaten egg, give 2 egg coats on the surface of rolls. Bake in the oven for 20 minutes. 
Enjoy when it's no longer hot :)

1: オーブンを200℃に温める。

2: 生地を4等分に分け、好みの形にまとめて、オーブンシートをしいた天板に間隔をあけて並べる。残りの溶き卵1/2個分を生地の表面に塗り、200℃のオーブンで20分焼く。


Easy, Addictive Beef Quesadillas ビーフケサディア

Quesadillas! It's getting the perfect weather for it these days. Do you like it?
I still remember the shock when I first had quesadillas at Taco John's in Montana and I got immediately addicted. Ever since I had one, I only ordered quesadilla at Mexican restaurant, Taco Bell (they had it, didn't they?), Taco John's ...everywhere. Especially I loved their chicken one. Do you like it? I knowww.  Turkey also rocks.
Ah..... I miss U.S.. I love the smell I felt when I arrived in the airport (wherever, Seattle, Minnesota, Denver, Salt lake city..) and its atmosphere....*sigh*
Anyway, beef quesadilla. When it comes to mexican and beef, chili powder is must. Grab black olives, shredded cheese and if you could get green chilly that would be perfect. omfg, here Germany they don't have green chili at any grocery stores. I wonder why they don't have it while they sell Maggy's, Old El Paso, and other famous products. Should I be biting sausage? -_-
I substituted green onion (leek) for the green chili that turned out pretty good!
Cheese melts in the beef... ahhhh... dip in salsa......ahrrrrrrr...
Easy dinner recipe!

1lb/500g ground beef (牛ひき)
1 Package your favorite Taco seasoning mix (お好きなタコス用チリパウダー一袋 例:写真)
100ml ~ 150ml water (水)
Salt & ground black pepper to taste (塩・黒こしょう少々)
4 to 5 flour tortillas (4~5枚トルティーヤ) I used my handmade tortilla 私は手作りトルティーヤ
Butter (for spreading) (バター適量)
1 to 2 cups Mexican cheese blend (200g ピザ用チーズ)
Your favorite salsa sauce (お好みのサルサソース)
-------------Add in your favorite ingredients 好みの具材を入れてね---------------------------------------------------------
1 cup/200g sliced black olives (200g 種抜きブラックオリーブ、スライス)
½ cup/100g green onion (leek) (長ネギスライス)


Fluffy & nicely sweet Onion Loaf ふんわりやさしい玉ねぎパン

Onion loaf. Would you have it with a soup or for breakfast?  I found some onions that were getting old (I bought too much) in my kitchen and had good enough amount of ingredients to make breads.
So I baked some onion loafs for Easter (long time ago now!) meals.
I love the smell of onions with hot butter, and the texture of the loaf that is soft, rich, moist and gentle.
We had it with dinner soup but it would be nice for morning with omelette or sunny side up egg.
Please try. This is a homemade sweet treat.

300g Bread flour (強力粉)
4.5g Salt (塩)
4.5g Instant dried Yeast (ドライイースト)
4.5g freshly ground black petter (粗挽き黒胡椒 )
12ml Milk (牛乳)
12g Sugar (砂糖)
■1/2 beaten Egg (溶いた卵半分)
■180ml lukewarm Water (ぬるいお湯)
12g room temperature Butter (室温バター)
2 Medium Onions, finely minced, sautéd(玉ねぎ 炒める)


#2 One-Hour Cinnamon Rolls 1時間でできるシナモンロール


After making shortcut cinnamon rolls, I was waiting for when I can make another easy one till this time. If I compare both, I prefer this One hour cinnamon rolls that have more texture to enjoy (a little gooey, yet fluffy, moist inside, and crispy, flavorful, wonderfully caramelized surface outside..MMM) and plain dough & cinnamon sugar filling give an unreplaceable breakfast time..
I guess sooner or later I'd need to know original cinnamon rolls, but this one doesn't keep you long at the kitchen: 1 hour, you can make it while your kids play in the living room or even before everyone wakes up in the morning. They might come out of rooms for the fantastic baking smell though.
So this recipe must come! 

I used this recipe: here

For the dough: 生地
2 3⁄4 cup (400+150g) all-purpose flour (薄力粉)
30g sugar (砂糖)
7g baking powder (ベーキングパウダー)
1⁄2 tsp. baking soda (ベーキングソーダ 小さじ1⁄2)
1 pinch salt (塩ひとつまみ)
1 1⁄4 cup (250ml) milk (牛乳)
6 tbsp (60g) melted butter  (溶かしたバター)

For the filling: 中身 (お好みに応じて砂糖とシナモンの量は加減)
2 tbsp (30g) melted butter (溶かしたバター)
2 tbsp (30g) brown sugar (ブラウンシュガー (普通の砂糖でもokだけど、ブラウンだと濃密になってうま♡))
1 tbsp (15g) cinnamon  (シナモン)

For the glaze: シュガーコーティング
1/4 cup (50ml) water (水)
1/4 cup EACH powdered sugar & brown (各50gずつパウダー&ブラウンシュガー)


Before leaving to Paris: Olive oil Garlic Bread

Cool coincidence I baked Baguettes before going to Paris. 
I really didn't intend to do it; I was only out of my bread. This evening John came back from his flight and we enjoyed dinner just now. Since I (we) had to consume vegetables and raw stuff in the fridge for being away at home for some days in Paris, I needed to rely on pre made food in the freezer. And only thing I made was these Garlic bread. 
I thought I'd freeze my Baguettes (I've baked another 2.) but I remembered that John said on email that he'd love to have freshly baked bread. Then why not try? 
No veggies but garlics are available, many spices are in the rack, and my rosemary-in-Olive oil is there! 
I know, when it comes to garlic toast, the combination of garlic and butter is must, but I always want to go healthier way even though I need oil. Olive oil is my true love. and nutella. 

I made them trying to remember ones my mom used to make for my dad, though she only used butter.
For 6 slices. Enjoy it with soup :) I gotta finish packing :)
See you in Paris on 2nd 

6 slices of your favorite Baguette
5 cloves Garlic, minced OR grated OR "blendered" like I did.
30g extra virgin Olive oil
10g softened Butter
1 pinch dried Basil flakes
2 pinches Parsley + some for topping after baked
2 Tablespoon Parmesan cheese, grated
Check Directions......>>>

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